Thursday, March 25, 2010

kikatiti demo

Today I experienced my second GCS demo. This one was at a CNFA agrodealer exhibition in Kikatiti, Tanzania. The exhibition site was located in an open field near an elementary school pretty high in the hills. Once we set up the tent, Philemon and I prepared our booth and waited for the villagers to come. A small crowd soon formed around us as we began shelling the maize we brought with us. After shelling a few cobs, I got off the bike and passed out brochures. With my limited knowledge of Kiswahili, I said "Nasema Kiswahili kidogo tu" ("I only speak a little Swahili") to anyone who spoke to me and pointed at the brochure if I heard "shingapi?" ("how much?"). We also demonstrated the cell phone charger which went over very well with the crowd. Ultimately, our customers will be the other agrodealers present at the exhibition so we will have to figure out the best way to get them as interested in our devices as the villagers were.

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